Rachel Keil

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Ignite Your Light and Shine

Do you ever feel out of balance? Wonder how to create a connection with your Soul? Curious about what your energy is communicating? Are you craving deeper connection, clarity, peace? Join me and create a deeper connection with yourself and your Soul. Learn to connect with your energy and see the strength and beauty of who you are. Learn to love and appreciate all of you. Feel the peace self love brings. Starts September 9th. Space is limited. Register Today. 

One of my favorite places

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The volume is low, so turn yours up and lean in to hear.

The energy of this forest has been prodding me lead people here to connect with the trees, plants, and energy.

Sign up for my newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/cpgPMb


Coming to you through video

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I totally forgot about my blog!

I am having a blast connecting through videos, sharing inspired messages and tips that I use and share with my clients.

I’ve been focused on sharing videos on social media and totally spaced the blog. I am catching the blog up with the videos I’ve shared over the last month-ish. Please subscribe to my blog,  YouTubeand/or Facebook to receive video messages. Hope you enjoy! Lots of love, Rachel

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Mystery of Spirit

Amazeballs Sunset

The beauty of nature showing us who we are.

Mystery. It’s one of the things I love most about connecting with the otherside. Connection is right up there too. And, it’s so much fun. I love making deep connections with people. Connecting with those who are in spirit surely fits that bill. It’s hard for me to put it into words what it is really like for me. It’s deep and rich. When I connect with someone on the otherside I am reminded of who/what I really am, who we are. It’s tapping into the expansiveness, love, and magnificence of who we really are. Great big LOVE.

This week I was out at the coffee shop writing about the mysterious ways that Spirit works. Specifically, how they connect me to their loved ones so that they can relay a message through me. I had a surprise visit a few weeks ago, that I wanted to get on paper for a future blog post. I left the coffee shop and remembered that I had to stop at the store for coffee filters. I had forgotten them when I was shopping the night before.

At the store, I turned down the aisle for the filters and I saw a young woman I recognized. She had come for a reading over a year ago. I remember our conversation about the experiences she was having at the time, with a friend who had died. She was seeing his spirit body and he was making his presence known in other ways. She had never had this kind of experience before and didn’t have any context for it. I explained to her the ways that people on the otherside communicate with us and attempted to normalize the experiences she was having.

To me, it feels so normal, natural to communicate with dead people. I forget sometimes that most people to not have this experience.

Inspiration. Present in my life.

My Gramps. He is in spirit and with me often. My grandma says she feels his presence too, and that he comes to her in dreams. She knows that he is always with her.

As I said hello to her I heard myself asking if her friend had been around. She was taken aback. It’s not every day that someone asks about communication with a departed friend. And he had been communicating with her, the day before. She had an experience with his presence that left her feeling uneasy and was thinking to contact me. Here I was just when she was needing some reassurance. How did this happen? How did I end up in the aisle at the exact moment that she was there? We do live on a small island but I have never seen her at the store before. We both marveled at the seeming coincidence. It was no coincidence though. I felt sure that her friend had coordinated our meeting.

As she was sharing with me what was going on I could start to feel her friend present with us. He communicated with me a little about himself to share and confirm it was indeed him. He wanted to be sure she knew that he was with her, supporting her on the next step on her journey. She was concerned that he was coming to warn her of something. I only felt his love and support for her and relayed this message. When spirit or intuition is communicating, it is always with a feeling of calm. Even if it is a warning you will be left with the feeling of calm confidence in knowing what action to take, feeling guided.

We parted both feeling lighter for the interaction with her friend.

I love the mystery of spirit. I am tickled by the ways it is always showing us our magnificence and connection to it.

Notice the coincidences in your life, the flowers, the small things that bring you joy. These are the signs of your connection to the Universe, Spirit, your Higher Self.

xo Rachel

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It Comes In Many Forms

Learn More About My Online Intuition Class

Valley of the Firs, Island Center Forest, Vashon, WA

Intuition comes from the outside. Trusting it comes from within.

I love intuition. I especially love the way it speaks to me. Messages come from the radio, overheard conversations, and even from bus drivers.

In 2012 I was accepted into a mentorship for healers in Seattle, Wa. I had been living in Santa Fe, Nm for 12 years at the time. It was my home and I thought I would live there forever. But, when I received the invitation letter for the mentorship, something in me excitedly said, “Maybe I’ll move to Seattle?!” All the while, my mind told me all the reasons I didn’t want to move there.

Vashon Ferrfy

The only way on and off the island is by ferry.

As I spent the next year making monthly trips to Seattle people would ask me if I was moving there. Lots of people, strangers in the airport, friends, my very intuitive cohorts. Every time I turned on the radio there would be a commercial that somehow referenced Seattle. It became humorous. One day driving around town I saw a truck that said, Seattle Fish Company of New Mexico. Really? My mind still said “No way Jose”.

Then on one of my weekends in Seattle I got another big message. As I was getting on the bus downtown with my suitcase in the evening, the bus driver says to me in a sweet southern accent, “You just getting home now? Welcome home!” I looked around me. Was this a joke. Who put this guy up this?

Orcas at Manzanita Beach-John McGrory

I’ve had amazing experiences that I could have never imagined.

Now I live surrounded by water and trees on a magical island in the Puget Sound. I love the mystery and magic of how my intuition led me here.

Looking back the answer seems clear. These were signs both large and small. Even so, my mind kept saying “Whatever, I’m staying put”. It can be hard to really hear and follow your intuition.

The intuition that comes through on a daily basis is often not as glaring as in my story. Intuition is not always obvious. It’s usually a quiet subtle voice.

We are all born with this skill. All it takes is a little weight lifting to build this muscle. Join me in my online class, for a little muscle building fun.

January 11th is just around the corner. Register now to enter the fun magical world of your intuition!